
Community Council Defibrillators

Published: 23 Oct 23

Over the past four years the Community Council, with support from the Friends of Llangollen Health Centre and guidance from the Welsh Ambulance Service, have installed four defibrillators in the community. These are sited at : - The Conquering Hero Community Centre, Rhewl LL20 7BS Pentredwr Farm, Pentredwr LL20 8DG Abbey Farm Caravan Park, Llantysilio LL20 8DD Outbuilding near Bryn Cottage, Eglwyseg LL20 8EH To date they have all been well received, and used, which is a credit to the Community Council. Read More...

Vale Crucis Abby Footpath

Published: 23 Oct 23

The Community Council is resurrecting the project, which it was forced to shelve in 2015 due to lack of funding, to get DCC to put a decent, and safe, roadside footpath from Vale Crucis Abby to the turn-off to Berwyn. This is a well used stretch of road where pedestrians are forced to walk at the roadside due to the lack of a decent footpath. Our County Councillors have promised assistance and are working with the Council on this, so fingers crossed for a positive outcome. Read More...

Plas Madoc Tip

Published: 23 Oct 23

The Community Council has been informed by the County Council that residents will soon be able to have access to the tip at Plas Madoc. There are still some legal problems to sort out with WCBC but otherwise all is going well. Residents will need to provide proof of identity and book a slot to be able to visit the site. Read More...

Removal of Bus Shelter

Published: 23 Oct 23

Residents may have noticed that the bus-shelter by Llantysilio School has now been removed and has been replaced by a seating area. The bus-shelter was in need of a lot of expensive restoration work, which was beyond the financial scope of the Community Council, so it was decided to remove it on Health and Safety grounds. With the agreement of residents living in the area the shelter has now been replaced with a seating area which has views across the valley. Spring bulbs have been planted on the near bank which should add a splash of colour in the New Year. Read More...